
March 2018

He hasn’t seen his daughter since October last year. Every week he says he wants to see her, but then comes up with some excuse or another, usually with an hour or two notice. They’re not even believable excuses. It’s like he’s given up on trying to make his lies sound truthful because he knows his reputation is already in tatters so what’s the point.

He also tries to blame me. He starts an argument a day or two before the planned visit, so he can use the excuse that I can’t visit if we’re arguing. I don’t feel any blame for his bullshit, I see straight through it now.

He’s currently back in Thailand, with his kids D and H, and his girlfriend’s other 2 kids. The biological father of her recent baby has been lurking in the background, I wonder if he knows that she’s told N he is the father?

One of his girlfriend’s “friends” has told me a few things (suprisingly easy to get information in Thailand!), she knows who the real father is and that he’s still around but has nothing to do with the baby. She has also told me that she is pregnant again, trying to get an abortion. Well N has had ‘the snip’ so it’s doubtful that she can pretend this one is his. But then he’s probably dull enough to believe it.

I wonder if he’ll ever see our beautiful daughter A again in his life. I don’t understand how any “man” can be ok with their girlfriend not allowing them to see their own child. He’s just as bad as her in that case.

Well, he’s still alive so there’s hope yet. All the promises to kill himself came to nothing. The story of not having long to live was more made up fairy tales. The length this guy goes to with his lies is outstanding!

If he would just put it in writing that he wholeheartedly does not want to ever acknowledge his daughter A, then that would be the end of it. I would have her answer right there ready for when she asks questions. But as it stands all I can tell her is that he can’t stand up to his cruel girlfriend. She will now grow up thinking he’s a coward.

My clever funny little girl said a big smiley “cheeeese” today when I took her photo! I’ve been trying to get her to say anything other than Hiya and Dada for weeks! She’s just bloody amazing. And very cheeky, as toddlers should be 🙂

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